This story was derived from a post I wrote for Prima Darling in November 2016. With the Thanksgiving holiday nearly upon us, I thought it could come in handy again.
We’re a messed up fractured country but on the last Thursday of November every year the nation comes together for the communal purpose of consuming turkey and a vast variety of carbs. More than any other holiday, Thanksgiving has a way of bringing disparate groups of people together to share the most anticipated dinner of the year. The first Thanksgiving brought Pilgrims and Indians together who so successfully put their differences aside that the celebration became a major holiday. To this day in that same tradition Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives will break bread together.
This year is sure to be fraught, but in the spirit of giving thanks, have that extra glass of wine and keep it light! To help here are some pictures of odd scenarios from old Hollywood in celebration of Thanksgiving. If you feel you’ll be severely challenged on the big day I suggest keeping this post on your phone, place the phone on your lap at dinner and flip through the images when you feel tensions rise. Here’s to old-timey, pre social media fun!Â
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Thanks for the amazing Golden Age of Hollywood photos. As a UK reader I hope your optimism proves true. I guess the only comparative festival in the UK is Christmas though that has become a hugely commercialised event now with few people observing it as a religious or spiritual festival and more as a nod to Mammon. Interestingly Black Friday is now a big thing here, though it should probably be renamed Black November as many retailers have been running it for weeks already. I may be wrong but I doubt many know BF''s origins or its links to Thanksgiving. Back in the day here these discounts, if they happened, would have been hailed as pre- Christmas sales. Traditionally in the UK big sales used to happen twice a year: New Year and summer. It wasn't uncommon to see people camp out overnight outside big department stores to be first to get a bargain. Now there are discounts 365 days a year so it's interesting that BF as caught on. I wish you a gentle and forgiving Thanksgiving Day.
Love these images. Thanks for reminding us of simple times when everything was black and white... the blending has surely been difficult, especially during traditional holidays. Nice work.