Thanks for the amazing Golden Age of Hollywood photos. As a UK reader I hope your optimism proves true. I guess the only comparative festival in the UK is Christmas though that has become a hugely commercialised event now with few people observing it as a religious or spiritual festival and more as a nod to Mammon. Interestingly Black Friday is now a big thing here, though it should probably be renamed Black November as many retailers have been running it for weeks already. I may be wrong but I doubt many know BF''s origins or its links to Thanksgiving. Back in the day here these discounts, if they happened, would have been hailed as pre- Christmas sales. Traditionally in the UK big sales used to happen twice a year: New Year and summer. It wasn't uncommon to see people camp out overnight outside big department stores to be first to get a bargain. Now there are discounts 365 days a year so it's interesting that BF as caught on. I wish you a gentle and forgiving Thanksgiving Day.

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Hi Jan, Thanks for your thoughtful comment! I hate all the hype around Black Friday that seems to get worse each year. I love Thanksgiving because it's purely about getting together with your family and friends to share a feast. No gifts or crazy consumption necessary. I guess Black Friday is the next best thing to make the holiday commercial. I agree with you on sales that seem ongoing now. I wish retailers would just curtail their markups, which have steadily risen over the years, and not rely on the hype of sales to move product. We all need to consume less for the sake of the planet! I wish you a happy holiday season as well!

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Love these images. Thanks for reminding us of simple times when everything was black and white... the blending has surely been difficult, especially during traditional holidays. Nice work.

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Thanks so much Patti!!!

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